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Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 3, 2012

Hi everyone.  It's time for the "Hunt" - aka Scavenger Hunt Sunday over on Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos).

This week the prompts were:  Shine, Fast, Left, Peace and Plain.

So won't you join me as I share my Scavenger Hunt photo's and then pop on over to Ashley's blog and check out the other enteries.


The finish on hubby's Fender Jaguar really does "Shine!"


Bee's certainly do fly "fast" and you have to be "fast" at snapping a picture too if you want to capture one in flight.


Now you may be wondering just what this has to do with the prompt (Left) but here's the scoop if something looks this good, it's bound to taste good and soon there is nothing....

Left but the crumbs! - Oh I confess after I took this shot even the crumbs weren't left!
PEACE:  I have 2 shots for this because I couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to use the most.

My "Peace" Rose or...

Coleen who just happens to own the Perfect Shirt for this prompt!


Peanuts may be "plain" in appearance but the things you can do with them are amazing!

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