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Prince of Tennis: Sanada Gen'ichirou and Yukimura Seiichi - Miraizu ~Way to Go~

Translation of the Yukimura and Sanada duet from Sanada's album "Shou".

Map to the Future ~Way to go~

Way to go
We don’t have the leisure of stopping
There is only one road we must advance on

Afraid in the midst of darkness, we embrace countless times
The broken fragments of hope
The vows that went along with our dreams–
It would be best to remember them

Way to go
It’s not for anyone’s sake
If we believe in ourselves, the future will begin
Oh, Way of Life
There’s nowhere to run
Watch us surpass our current selves

If it is what we wish for, suffering will change into strength
When we request that beneath the lightening sky, our hearts will shine

Way to go
We’re not competing with anyone
Rather than being average, aim for only one thing
Oh, Way of Life
We don’t have the leisure of stopping
Even if you’re lost, there is only one road

Way to go

The things we dreamed of, hoping they would be granted
Vividly sketch out the image of hope

Way to go
It’s not for anyone’s sake
If we believe in ourselves, the future will begin
Oh, Way of Life
There’s nowhere to run
We’ll surpass our current selves, right now
Way to go
Without hesitation, reject the dark night
And open the door to tomorrow
Oh, Way of Life
Aim to be the best*
There is only one road we must advance on

*Technically it’s “aim for the emperor,” which makes sense when you consider Sanada, but it’s also a really weird thing to put in there, so I went with the meaning rather than the exact translation.

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