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Franco-Prussian... Photo shoot.

After the last Franco-Prussian War game we had , I decided to take some 'studio' shots of all my units...

So as a little shiny and colourful refresher after the khaki of the Great War here they are now ... in no particular order.

Hesse-Darmstadt 1st Infantry Regiment... Composed of two large battalions.

 French Foreign Legion provisional regiment... Composed of three medium battalions.

Bavarian Foot Artillery.

Mecklenburg Jager Battalion.

French Marine Infantry Battalion... Part of the Blue Division.

French 100th Infantry regiment... Composed of three medium battalions.

French Foot Artillery.

French Command Stand.

Prussian Uhlan Regiment No.16... Composed of a single stand Vidette.

French Chasseurs d'Afrique.

Hesse-Darmstadt 2nd Infantry Regiment... Composed of two large battalions.

French Lancers of the Guard.

Brunswick Infantry Regiment... Composed of three medium battalions.

Hesse-Darmstadt 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

French Infantry Legere d'Afrique 1st Battalion.

French Command.

Prussian/German Command.

My infantry units are organized into Small-one stand, Medium-two stands and Large-three stands.
The cavalry are all three stands.

The French are-so far-based loosely around L'Armee D'Afrique.
The Prussians I have-so far-based around the German States.
This will of course change as I find pretty toys to paint...

The miniatures are Spencer Smith Classic Range with a few Stadden's and Willie's


All the best   Aly


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