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Blast From My Past 1: Denver Broncos TTM Autographs

Here is the origin of my love for the Denver Broncos. In my early teens I sent out a bunch of cards to players in football, basketball, and baseball with autograph requests. Some came back, but the team that responded best was the Denver Broncos, with four different players returning my cards with signatures on them. It was around that point that I decided they would be my team, and for whatever reason I decided that Shannon Sharpe was my favorite player.

As an aside, I absolutely love the old Denver colors and logo. Most of the apparel and whatnot that I buy featuring the Broncos is retro-flavored, because to me it is about 35 times better than the newer color schemes. I just had to get that in there. I feel the same way about the Houston Astros and the Houston Rockets. The old logos and colors are so much more interesting than the new stuff.

Why didn't I just choose home teams as my favorite teams, you might ask? Well, I was a military kid, so we moved around a lot, and after my dad got out of the Air Force and we settled down in Idaho, there weren't any home teams. The Jazz are moderately close to us, but during the Rockets string of playoff runs in the late 90s I grew to hate the Jazz. They are probably the only sports team I actively hate. I don't like the Chiefs, and I dislike the Miami Heat and the LA Lakers, but most other teams I can get along with.

It was always exciting as a kid to go out to the mailbox and see one of my self-addressed envelopes returning to me with an autograph inside. Most of the cards are dinged up and some of the autographs are fuzzy, but I consider these to be some of my treasures.

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