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Vaccinations and the Mark of The Beast

Zsuzsanna Anderson
Pastor's Wife
Faithful Word Baptist Church

Dear Mrs. Anderson,

You were on the right track in your latest tirade against vaccination, but, unfortunately, you failed to take it to the next logical step. Let's take a look at the key passage and I think you'll see what I mean. You wrote:
For example, one way to be able to identify all humans beings for life would be to inject them with a harmless virus that is unique to each individual. The body would then develop antibodies to that specific virus, and for the rest of his/her life, this person could now be identified after a simple blood test.
And? And? And? Well, isn't it obvious? I'm surprised that the wife of one of the few pastors sharp enough to identify the biblical prohibitions against sitzpinkling would miss something even more biblically important. These antibodies are the mark of the beast! Or as Pamela Atlas Shrugs would put it, "These ANTIBODIES are THE MARK OF THE BEAST (but she'd call it a "BARRY HUSSEIN OBAMA JIHAD SHARIA BEAST," but you know what I mean.)

BTW, did your husband, Pastor Anderson, receive an injection while he was in police custody at the hospital? Could they have given him the Mark of the Beast without his knowledge? Has he in turn injected you with it? What about Amanda?

Your post also touched on another issue that is almost just as important: the Global Conspiracy To Slaughter Our Babies:
This is an interestig [sic] article about the WHO's mass tetanus vaccination program in the 1990s in developing countries. It raised suspicions because only women of child-bearing age were vaccinated. After the vials were tested, it was found out that they were contaminated with hCG, a hormon [sic] women produce in order to sustain their pregnancy. After being vaccinated with it, women then developed anti-hCG, with the result of repeated miscarriages due to the anti-hCG in their blood stream.
Amazing. Think of all the children who could have been born and lived a few years before polio, measles, or whooping cough delivered them into our Savior's loving arms.

Heterosexually yours in a chaste and biblically appropriate kind of way,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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