As a blogger who works 50-60 hour weeks at a job while trying to maintain a fitness regimen and a healthy family life, I sometimes wonder how my fellow bloggers do it. Because I am curious, I am looking to do a brief survey of blogging habits to try and figure out how to be successful in all of the above. If you are a blogger, and have a moment, please help me out here. I will publish the results next weekend.
I usually blog:
During Work
Other- explain please
I spend ______ a day blogging and checking out the internet.
Less then an hour
1 to 2 hours
2-4 hours
More then 4 hours
Where do I get my ideas for blogging for the most part
Comics I read
Other internet sites
Random realizations
All of the above
None of the above- specify
Blogging gets priority over other activities
Not often
A great deal of the time
All the time
General questions
Do you work a full time job? Do they let you use the computer for personal use during office hours? During breaks?
I decided to blog because: ??
Do other blogs inspire you? If so, which ones?
My ultimate goal with blogging is: ______________
Please help me out here. If you don’t want to answer all the questions, don’t feel like it is required. You can also choose to be anonymous, and I will include your results but not identity. You can answer via my comments or e-mail me at
I want to compile this as a way to get help in my blog and possibly help others as well. Let me know if you have any questions, or feel free to comment here! Thank you!
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