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♥ REVIEW: ELF Blending Eye Brush

Hi there! Today's review is about a brush. I've always wanted to do colorful eye makeup but I find it difficult to achieve because I don't have a blending brush. So, I searched online and found some but unfortunately, I don't wanna buy it online because I am going to pay for the shipping fee and that makes the item very expensive for me. Luckily, I passed by an ELF counter in Watsons and I happen to find a blending eye brush. I am so happy that day because finally I will be able to achieve those amazingly cute and nice eye makeups. If there's one thing I love about makeup, that is to color my eyes. I really love to put different colors on my eyes, I just find it artistic. Haha!

Price: P129.75
Availability: Any ELF counters

"Expertly blends multiple eye shades while softening dramatic edges and fine lines. Brush can also multi-task, use it to set powder or liquid concealer."

ELF is actually one of my favorite local drugstore makeup so I didn't hesitate to buy it when I first saw it. I can say that all their products have quality and, not to mention, very affordable. Those are the things that I love about it.

I love the engraved words because it looks really professional. I feel like I am a professional. Lol! :D

  • Very affordable.
  • User friendly.
  • It blends eye makeup really well.
  • Very soft to the skin.
  • Non-irritating.
  • It doesn't make my skin itch.

  • Some of the bristles of the brush wore off.

Overall, I give this a rate of 4.8/5. The bristles do wear off but only a few and it just happened to me after I first washed the brush. So, I still love this brush and also the brand. :)

Hope this review helped. Thank you for viewing. God bless. :)

What is your favorite blending brush? :)

Lots of ♥, Judy

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