Alyssa Milano
Wallpapers & Mini Biography
Part : 2

Born in Brooklyn, New York, on December 19, 1972, Alyssa Jayne Milano is the daughter of Thomas, a film music editor, and Lin, a fashion designer.
After seeing the Broadway play Annie at the age of 7, Alyssa Milano knew she wanted to become an actress. One year later, she made her acting debut in the same musical and toured for 18 months. After that time, Alyssa left Annie to star in off-Broadway productions and TV commercials.
The '90s were a time when Alyssa Milano wanted to shed her little-girl image and prove that she was a hot adult woman. She did so by starring in Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story (1993) and the sexually charged Embrace of the Vampire (1994) and Poison Ivy II (1996). It worked, as popular men's mag FHM voted her onto its 100 Hottest Women in the World list four times. But Alyssa Milano didn't stop at TV and movies. In fact, she also released seven albums including Alyssa (1989), Look In My Heart (1989), Best In The World (1990), Locked In a Dream (1991), and Do You See Me? (1992) -- in Japan.
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