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Gothy Lopez

Gothy Lopez

Margoth Beatriz Lopez Barriere, born in San Salvador, on August 30, 1975. From an early age she feels attracted to the artistic manifestations, being up in higher education where decided to devote herself to art. Join so in 1994 the School of Arts of the University of El Salvador, where she graduated in 1998 from the Bachelor Fine Arts.

She studied three years at The Permanent Workshop Drawing and Painting Mayra Barraza where she stands out as Instructor Lecturer from 1997 to 1999.

Since 1994 she has participated in a number of art exhibitions including The National Theater in San Salvador and The  President Theatre of El Salvador, The Memorial of America in Brazil, The Principality of Monaco, The Salon of Artists of Paris, Gallery House Latin America Lyon and Paris, Galleria Latin American Institute in Rome, etc.

In 1998 she was nominated as a Young Promises Six exhibiting his works in The Window El Salvador.

That same year she obtained First Place in the Second Drawing and Painting exhibition held at The Cultural Rincon El Salvador Sheraton Hotel.

In 1999 she received the Award of Philips Art, for Young Talents, traveling to Sao Paulo, Brazil to represent El Salvador in the Iberoamerican Exhibition of Young Talents in December, showing his work at The Art Gallery Marta Trava, one of the most important in Latin America. In that same year she was honored as Outstanding Performer of the Year on The Third  Expocision Workshop on Drawing and Painting in The Cultural Salon of the Embassy of Mexico. It is also known as one of the New Faces for 2000 Trends Magazine.

In the period 2001 -2003 takes different exibitions in Europe and win some major competitions such as the International Competition "Colli Briantei Prize" City Vigano, Lombardia, Italy. The "Cinis Aelli Award" in the city of Cinisello Balsamo, Milan were also awarded. Among the most important exhibitions include the Principality of Monaco where he was invited by Prince Albert of Monaco to exhibit at the Casa de America Latina said City.

Then followed by exhibitions in the Municipality of zone 8 French city of Lyon and one in the House of Latin America in the same city. Following exposure of Contemporary Painting in Santa Cruz Palace Rome, Italy; and exposure in the home of Latin America in Paris , among many others made in Italy.
In the year 2004 working in Jose Matias Delgado University of El Salvador, in the Department of Applied Arts as professor, then works as a specialist teacher for the Ministry of Public Instruction Milan to continue as a teacher of art courses Municipality of Milan and teaches art at Pablo Neruda Academy always in Italy.

She received the award in 2009 Eustachi clinching 2nd place in the international painting competition conducted by the "Galeria Eustachi" Milan.

His recent exhibitions have them done in the city of Milan in the famous quadrilateral fashion via Savona in the palace "SEICENTO", also in the Lombard city of PAULLO where the exhibition was sponsored by the Advised of Culture giving great relevance and diffusion.

Also the town of Cesano Boscone has promoted two exposures one for the celebration of Women's Day and the other, a personal painting called "I colori dell ' Anima", being supported by the town hall of the city and exposing the "Living delle Carroze ". Currently this information by the exhibition " Journey " at the House of World Cultures in the City of Milan, earning a publication in the newspaper Corriere della Sera and many web sites devoted to Italian art and culture.

Her works have also illustrated pictorial magazines like Italian Oltre la Conscenza , Gruppo Multimedica magazine in the city of Milan and the Environment Technology University of El Salvador , some literary works, including among others. One of his works is part of the public collection of the Municipality of Segrate Milan, where it is permanently displayed.

"Guest Artist" X Florence Biennal 2015. Her technical mastery leads to deepen the human condition with stunning originality. She is currently working on a painting of Monsignor Romero for Pope Francis. A legislative decree granted her the status of Distinguished Painter of El Salvador.

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